

At our December Christmas dinner meeting our president N9BPK gave a recap of what the club enjoyed and accomplished in 2002.  Much happened including interesting club programs, a fox hunt, participating in field day and other contesting, community service parades, a license class, license test sessions, open repeater systems, and emergency communications training.  Further, club membership growth has prospered and the clubs financial condition is the best in years.  The news is very encouraging; however, there is always a need for broader based participation in club activity.  As we get into 2003, make the most of the club experience by participating strongly in events such as field day, fox hunts, parades and emergency communications training.  Volunteer to provide a club program or lead an activity.  Elmer a newcomer and get them comfortable with a variety of on the air operation.  Enjoy your radio equipment on the air while the sun spots still offer conditions for just about any type of operating activity.  Bottom line: Got a license--make the ham experience happen for yourself and others!



The annual election of club officers will be at the February 27th meeting.  Being a club officer is a great opportunity to serve and enhance the club experience for all.  Positions are available and candidate competition is encouraged. The club president is limited to a two year term and that position cannot be filled by the incumbent.  So far declared and/or drafted candidates are: President, Bob Riddell, KC9AEC; Vice President, Bob Parrish, W9BP; Secretary, Lou Stark, KB9UEF; Treasurer, Bob Thurgood, WA9TUG; Activities Manager (Activities Committee Chairman), Ted Wilhelm, K9HUH; and Sergeant at Arms, Red Becker, WA9MGX.  Nominations remain open until a vote is taken at the February 27th club meeting.  The turn over of officer positions is at a dinner meeting on March 27th.  This event will again be at the Lantern Restaurant, 230 North Main in Columbia, IL.  Be there by 7:00PM, order from the menu and bring a guest.



The ARRL and American Red Cross have updated and renewed their Statement of Understanding.  There is a long standing relationship between the two organizations, where the ARRL through it’s members and structure for emergency communications, provide support communications when the Red Cross responds to domestic disasters.


The ARRL continues to offer on-line courses in emergency communications. There are three levels of courses and all fill up fast when announced the first Monday of each month.  Candidates must start with level 1 and a fee of $45 is charged ARRL members; however, this amount has been reimbursed with a grant from Homeland Security when the course is successfully completed.  Non ARRL members pay $75 for the course.  For course announcements and information, check out


The basis of the amateur emergency service is contained in Part 97 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations. The provisions and procedures for emergency communications are found in 97.4 and specific to RACES is in 97.407.  Full familiarity of 97.407 is important for stations participating in RACES training and real world disaster response activations.



Meet one of our newer licenses and members, Chris Kuni, KC9AUJ of East Carondelet.  Chris was licensed through the clubs technician class in December 2001.  While pursuing his interest to become a ham, Chris found information on our club through the ARRL Affiliated Club web site.  After making contact with the club, he attended our meetings while preparing to take on the clubs technician class.  Completing the class and with license in hand, he joined as a full club member in early 2002 and has been an active participant in many club activities.  He is pursuing experience and is very interested in emergency communications training.  Signing up to help the club support the Shrine Circus Parade and to learn about event communications, Chris quickly grasped the game plan, volunteered for a key check point and operated like a pro.  Chris is a recent member of our repeater system repair and trouble shooting team where he is a very valuable asset taking on most of the climbing tasks.  Chris’ current station assets are for vhf/uhf; however, he is pursuing study to get a license upgrade so he can take on the full spectrum of on the air enjoyment.  Chris represents a new wave of participants that we are fortunate to have for the future well being of our hobby.  Welcome Chris and thanks for your interest, activity and contributions.



Forty members and guests enjoyed the clubs holiday dinner on December 12th.  Santa couldn’t make it, but he deputized our president, N9BPK, to host a drawing for holiday gifts.  A very enjoyable evening of good food and service, and lots of good conversation.


The program for the February 27th club meeting will be a presentation by the Metro East Search and Rescue.  Meeting starts at 8:00PM at the Fairview Heights American Red Cross.  Park and enter at the front of the building.


Annual membership dues are renewable as of January 1, 2003.  If your address label for this newsletter has an 02 on it, your dues renewal had not been received by the club treasurer as of February 8th.  The treasurer is Bob Thurgood, WA9TUG, 5 Seven Iron Court, Belleville, IL 62220.


The small class of three students attending the clubs technician license course on December 7th all passed their license test the following Saturday.  Obviously there are dedicated students out there.  We just need to find and encourage more of them.  Congratulations to our class of 2002.


Troubleshooting of the interference on our 2-meter repeater system has confirmed that we are at the mercy of Illinois Power for a fix.  Until that happens, a tight squelch will be maintained on the machine.  In the past, while slow in responding, Illinois Power has been cooperative in correcting their problems at the clubs repeater site.  The club has learned that Illinois Power has issued a service order to respond to the problem.  Lets hope they get with it soon so weaker signals can again enjoy use of the repeater.


At the January club meeting honorary memberships for 2003 were approved for Mike Beuckman, N9UDY, Marlyn Thorne, KA9ZAV and Terry Thorne, KA9YZS.  This recognition is for providing significant resources and support to the club. 


VE test sessions are available the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00PM.  A reservation is required to make the session happen.  For information and reservations, contact Ted, K9HUH at 233-1313 or 235-6152.


The club web site is being resurrected by KC9AEC.  The basis of the site is the one that was created and maintained until several years ago by KB9JJA.  Check out the updating progress by going to


Thanks to Mallo’s pastries for providing complimentary deserts for our club meetings and events.  Show your appreciation by doing business with Mallo’s.


The SCAN is published six times a year and distributed during even months.  Items for the SCAN are needed and appreciated.  Send to the editor, W9BP, by e-mail to or by phone 624-2797, or mail to 1022 Edgewood Dr, O’Fallon, IL 62269.