Anybody interested in Amateur Radio is welcome to attend our club meetings, whether licensed or not; whether a member of SCARC or not.
Meetings are normally held the last Thursday of the month at the Belleville/Swansea Moose Lodge, Lodge 1221, 2425 North Illinois Street, Swansea, IL, 62226, near the Metro-link station on Illinois Route 159.
ARRL Volunteer Examiner (VE) exam sessions are available by appointment only.
Membership is open to anyone interested in Amateur Radio wishing to join !
We offer 3 levels of membership.
Annual Membership Dues are due by January 31 of every year. IF a new member joining after January, your dues will be "Pro-rated" so do not make out payment
prior to receiving amount from Treasurer or Sgt at Arms. Thanks...
Saint Clair Amateur Radio Club is an ARRL Affiliated Club, the Club station Callsign is K9GXU